Gasparilla Island Kids Classic
How Skip and I spent our Saturday afternoon. I shot the video, Skip did the stills and shot the pre-tourney video. I guess I get the editing credit. Or blame. The event is a tarpon tournament for kids held Saturday, May 21, 2011 in Boca Grande Pass. The tournament is sponsored by Gasparilla Outfitters.
The YouTube version is below. There's a reason we use two hosting services. Long story. Sorry about the "shaky cam" on the fishing scenes. The camera was steady, the boat wasn't. The music is "Hey Now
For those who have asked, the water droplets on the lens at the beginning of the fishing footage aren't a computer-generated effect. They're real. The Boca Grande Fire Department filled the air with spray and our boat cruised straight into it. It was a fine mist, but with thousands of dollars in camera equipment on the line, hilarity ensued. And panic. In the end, no harm was done. But it came out looking sort of cool - so we kept it.
'We'll Never Feel Bad Any More'
Here's a video Skip and I did for the Boca Grande Chamber of Commerce back in the day when the words "chamber" and "commerce" were actually used in the same sentence. Boca Grande, Florida is a barrier island community in Southwest Florida. It once held an annual Fall Festival. It was fun. It raised a lot of money. Here's what it looked like so you can tell your children. Skip took the shots, I edited the thing.