Just got another Snopes-bait OMG!!! email once again digging up the Sarah Palin "Death Panel" hoax. I figured two can play this game, which usually involves scaring the bejeezus out of the elderly. So I just sent this back:
"Did you know that John Boehner and House Republicans have secretly passed legislation to retroactively eliminate Medicare reimbursements for Hoverounds and those "Help I've Fallen and Can't Get Up" things?
"This means if grandma went shopping at the Scooter Store during the past 10 years, and Medicare paid for part or all of it, the IRS and FBI will be knocking on her door demanding money. Don't pay up, you lose your house and your scooter. Or worse.
"If you or a loved one's mobility depends on a scooter or motorized wheel chair, don't let them get away with this! Copy and paste this email and send it to everyone you know before it's too late."
See how easy this is? Maybe it's time those of us on the other side resorted to scaring the crap out of the old folks rather than spending time finding honest solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, this is one would be spotted as an obvious fake. It's not riddled with UPPER CASE and exclamation points!!!